Tourist visa

Ordinary tourist visa is issued to citizens of Japan, other states and persons without citizenship for a short-term stay in Russia based on a tourist acceptance confirmation issued by a Russian touristic organization that is registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and has a tourist reference number.

A tourist visa is issued for the following purposes:

  • tourism (visiting cultural events, excursions, sight-seeing)
  • short-term business negotiations
  • exhibitions, auctions
  • medical consultation or examination

A tourist visa may allow single, double or multiple entries to the Russian Federation. The below conditions should be respected:

  • The maximum period of stay in the Russian Federation with a single or double entry tourist visa is 90 days.
  • A double-entry tourist visa is issued to a foreign citizen only if according to the documents during the stay in the Russian Federation he/she plans to visit a third country and to return through the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, a detailed travel itinerary should be included in the package tour description (or in the confirmation of acceptance of a foreign citizen issued by a host Russian organization).
  • From January 1, 2017 based on the article 25.6 of the Federal Law №144-ФЗ of 5 August 1996 the diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Russian Federation issue for the Japanese citizens multiple tourist visas with the validity period up to 6 months. Such visas allow Japanese tourists to stay in Russia for for 90 days in total within a period of 180 days.

    Processing time for multiple tourists visa is at least 11 working days.

Please note! Foreign citizens traveling on cruise ships and ferryboats that make a stop at Russian ports (Big and Passenger ports of Saint-Petersburg, Vladivostok, Vyborg, Kaliningrad, Korsakov (Sakhalin Oblast), Novorossiysk, Sevastopol and Sochi) for no more than 72 hours can stay in Russia without a visa, provided that they live on board a cruise ship, ferryboat or at any other place indicated in the group tour program and the tour organizer has carried out all necessary procedures.

The following documents are required in order to apply for a tourist visa:

  1. A tourist confirmation issued by the Russian organization that provides tour operator services and is listed in the Unified Federal register of tour operators. This document must be issued on a single prescribed form "On the admission of foreign tourists", signed by the responsible person and bear a stamp of a Russian tourist company. If tourist services are provided by different tourist companies, tourist confirmations of every company should be provided. On the basis of this confirmation a foreign citizen can be issued a single or double (for up to three months) or multiple (for up to six months) ordinary tourist visa.

  2. Passport with no less than 2 empty pages for visas, valid for 6 months from the visa expiry date;
  3. Electronic Visa Application Form, filled out in Russian or English, and printed directly from the following website of the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry: (Please follow the instructions for the procedure, available at the above mentioned website, provided in Russian as well as other languages, including Japanese). The full name of the applicant must be written exactly as in passport. If you have any middle, additional or alternative names, please notify them all. Citizens of Georgia, Australia and CIS countries must fill in the visa application in Russian. The Russian Visa center can fill in the visa application on your behalf.
  4. One passport size (3.5 x 4.5 cm) clear photo in color taken full-face directly facing the camera and against a plain white or light-colored background. Only non-tinted prescription glasses and head covering worn daily for a religious purpose or as a part of national costume (in this case the same head covering must be worn in the passport photo) are allowed. At the Russian visa center you can opt for "Express Photo" service;
  5. If you are not a Japanese citizen please check the additional requirements for the citizens of your respective country and follow this link to check the additional information.

You can also use our Postal service to submit your visa application by post.

Important! In case you have two or more valid passports, please make sure there are no valid Russian visas in any of the passports before submitting your visa application.

Please note! an Federation in Japan may request additional visa documents, invite you for an interview or extend the time of visa issuing procedure.

Rates and Terms

In the current situation, from March 14, 2022, every applicant will be charged an additional temporary visa processing fee of 8,000 yen. The fee will be cancelled once the international air traffic is back to normal. We offer our sincere apologies. 

For Japanese citizens

Processing time,
Consular fee,
Service fee,
11-20 0 4500+8000
4-10 4000 4500+8000
1-3 10000 4500+8000

For non-Japanese citizens (may vary by country)

Processing time,
Consular fee,
Service fee,
Single entry visa
6-20 12550 4500+8000
3-5 25200 4500+8000
Double entry visa
6-20 20150 4500+8000
3-5 40300 4500+8000
Multiple entry visa
6-20 37750 4500+8000
3-5 75600 4500+8000

 If the Russian Federation has a separate bilateral agreement on visa fees amounts with another state, the visa fees applied for the citizens of this state should correspond to the conditions of this agreement.

Please note:

Multiple entry visa applications with direct invitations from a company/individual are processed within at least 10 working days. Such visas can be issued only in case the applicant visited Russia during the previous year.

All fees are paid at the Visa application center in Japanese yen by card or in cash.

Processing time doesn't include the day of submission and starts from the day the documents are delivered to the Consulate. In certain cases the Consulate can extend or reduce the processing time.

Filling in the Russian visa application form

The application form for a Russian visa should be filled in online on the website of the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry:

At your request we can fill in the application form for you at the visa center. This is a paid additional service that costs 750 JPY for each page of the application form.

A separate application form must be filled in for each applicant.

If you are going to fill in the application form by yourself, please follow the below recommendations:

  1. Read carefully and follow the instructions and tooltips on the website.
  2. When registering a new application form, create a password consisting only of Latin alphabet letters and numbers.
  3. Write down the password and the number of your application from, which will be assigned automatically. Take your number and password with you to the visa center. The number and password will be useful if you need to print out the form or make corrections, so as not to fill in the entire form again.
  4. Name and surname spelling must strictly correspond to your passport data page.
  5. Specified purpose of your travel, duration of stay and number of entries, the data of the host person or organization (name, date of birth, address) should correspond to the invitation.
  6. Enter information about your previous trips to Russia and other foreign countries according to exit-entry stamps in your passport.
  7. At the final stage please select the place of submission of your application — Visa Application Center (Tokyo).
  8. After filling in the application form on the website, print it out in one copy and take it to the visa center.
  9. If you do not have a printer, we can print out your application form at the price of 100 JPY per sheet.

Dear applicants,

We would like to inform you that at the Russian visa application centers you can opt for the following additional (paid) services:

Please note!

  • Using the above mentioned services does not influence processing time of your visa application and does not guarantee that the visa will be issued;
  • The charges for the above services are collected in addition to the service fee;
  • All the above mentioned services are provided only at your request;
  • Please read all the terms and conditions before opting for these services.